Ampere Time

We love our Ampere Time 12v battery. It’s the perfect off-grid power source for our RV! We love the fact that Ampere Time lithium batteries feature 100% usable energy (100% DOD) and that they come with a 4-year warranty. They can be charged and recharged over 4000 times, and they are one of the highest rated lithium battery suppliers on Amazon.

But, every great lithium power source eventually needs to be recharged which is why we also recommend Ampere Time’s 40 amp lithium charger. The LCD display keeps you up to date on the charging process, and the 40 amps of power charges our massive battery quickly and efficiently!

You can get both together in a great bundle (like we did) or order your parts separately to completely customize your lithium system. Use the code “Matt3” to get 3% off your entire order!